domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008

[Make a Change... Kill Yourself]

Life Revisited

A journey through damnation. It grows within me, breathes within me. A dark plague which has risen in my mind.
Nothingness, emptiness and total desolation. The pain grows day by day. My mind screams for silence
"unleash the pain, set it free and let your life be shallowed by the eternal darkness. Join us in our common solitude"
it whispers to me. "And we will conquer our inner demons" deep, deep within it is, and it is waiting in a never-ending nap
blood, so rare, so unique in the right surroundings. It flows so uniquely down the sides of the tub
a beautiful sight in the eyes of the beholder. Of me. Nothing was ever more pure than this
the pain within rises as the darkness embraces me. "It had to be done. And so it was", yes so it was
the eternal darkness sets me free and unleashes my inner demon. Life revisited in my true form
set your mind free, set it free and join me in an early death

martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

[With My Sorrows]

Creo que el titulo habla por si mismo...


domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008

[Thy Light]

In My Last Mourning...

The clock's hands fold, i feel pulsing in my chest all the agony of one more day, in this world of darkness. Through my nostrils, runs the smell of my own death printed on the grey sunday sky.

I kill myself, take my life...

In my last mourning i realize, i've always been the nothing i feared becoming...

miércoles, 16 de julio de 2008


Genero: Black Metal
Album: Als die Farben älter wurden
Track List:
1.-Foreboding Suicide
2.-Faeulnis Draeut Sinister Sank Die Sonne
3.-Als Die Farben Aelter Wurdun


Mi primera entrada, asi que espero que les guste :)